Robert Kiyosaki Review

Accurate Review of Robert Kiyosaki Training & Books
Robert Kiyosaki is most famous for his book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." But perhaps we should begin with his company's bankruptcy of October 16, 2012 - his Rich Global corporation filed corporate bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is never a good sign for someone who wants you to pay big bucks for his "financial acumen."
The research & in-depth analysis by John T Reed says more than we ever could.
When it comes to getting folks all fired up to get out and do something, Robert Kiyosaki is tough to beat. He would make a great football coach with his "pep talk" style seminars. But what counts is whether or not the materials he is putting out are worth the high costs. Frankly, based on our research and our own experience in the field of real estate, we don't believe he can deliver to any substantial degree. But we are open to opposing unsolicited views from his actual customers
A Low Cost, More Effective Choice
If you want to learn all 24 different methods of investing decribed here, and you think you would like access to a free coach who has at least 20 years field experience in real estate investing, and if you want to save a ton of money, then check out the course that beats them all, combined. With an A+ Rating at the Better Business Bureau, and offered by a non-profit to keep it affordable, "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" by investor Bill Vaughn is the most comprehensive and effective of all the courses available today. It doesn't cost anything to look...
IntelliBiz, publisher of this site is not affiliated with Armando Montelongo, Carleton Sheets, Ron Legrand, Russ Whitney, John Beck, John Alexander, Than Merrill, Larry Goins, Robert Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Conti, Dave Lindahl or Robert Shemin